Thursday, February 08, 2007

Tone Words and Linking Verbs

As we talked about at the Cafe last Tuesday, here are a couple of
websites for use with
mood/tone study...apart from the ones in the
writer's handbooks we looked at on
Tuesday which were, of course,
capital in and of themselves.
I enjoyed our talk and hope to see
you at the next meeting!

Continuing our discussion...Does anyone have more amazing strategies
for purging
those pesky linking verbs from student writing?

Have a good Thursday-


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Linking verbs can indeed be pesky, as can other unnecessary verbage (excess adverbs and using two words where one will do--"strange and unusual"--top my list of wordiness sins.)

I have my kids write a paragraph in class describing a character in a text we're reading. Then I give them some strategies, such as getting rid of the things mentioned above. I have them count their words in the paragraph they wrote, and then revise it to reduce the number of words by one-third. They are always suprised that they can cut out that many words without losing the meaning!

4:33 AM  
Blogger just a guy said...

I love that you are teaching both sides of the coin: the appropriate elaboration AND economy of language.
Hope all is well-

10:59 AM  

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