Thursday, February 28, 2008

very cool quotes about reading, writing, and grace

Anyone who tells a story speaks a new world into being.
-Michael Williams

I need to learn to take risks in my writing.
-Andrea, Drake Middle School student

I recently read an interview in which the Nobel Prize-winning novelist Toni Morrison was asked why she had become a great writer, what books she had read, what method she had used to structure her practice. She laughed and said, “Oh, no, that is not why I am a great writer. I am a great writer because when I was a little girl and walked into a room where my father was sitting, his eyes would light up. That is why I am a great writer. That is why. There isn’t any other reason.”
-Don Miller-Searching For God Knows What, pg 128

"Writing -- or at least, going for Natalie Goldberg's "jugular" -- requires a degree of fearlessness. Sometimes I feel like I should be wearing a helmet."
-Megan Freeman


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